Xceptional provides neurodivergent friendly employment solutions. Monthly data measurements capture the positive benefit that Xceptional Assessment platform provides.
Over the past 2 years, Xceptional have assessed 1,605 neurodivergent candidates from across Australia. Candidates identify with a range of neurodivergent conditions such as Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia. Candidate job satisfaction is 82%, showing that we are putting people not just into a job but on a career path that gives satisfaction.
Retention at 12 months is 92%, which is significantly higher than industry standards. Their talent pool are loyal and committed workers and our process places them in supportive workplaces. 2 of 8 Candidate satisfaction with the Xceptional process is 91%.
Behind these encouraging numbers are individual stories of lives impacted in hugely positive ways. It is difficult for those who have not had gaps in employment to fully grasp the life-changing impact of employment on dignity, belonging and a sense of purpose.